It has been a long time since I wrote last and today, just a random thought passed by while studying and it is really refreshing to mind.
When I was in high school, I rarely talk with the boys of my class. I just use to talk with some of them and never bothered talking with the rest.
And what happened last weekend was, I met with one of them on Skype and we did video chatting. It was really fun...he just reminded me about my school days and how I was in high school. And guess what we have been studying in the same school since PP and for two years we have been class mates 11 and 12. But we rarely talked.
He mentioned that I have changed a lot both physically and emotionally. He thought I ate something strange as I was talking like hell a lot and he was huh!
It was really nice meeting him online after such a long time, almost two years...we use to chat on face book sometimes but we rarely meet on Skype.
Memories of school life just made me happy, he made me smile till my zygomatic muscles hurt and eyes filled with tears...sem gawi mechu...hehe
Times sure do pass by really fast and people change a lot but the past memories are worth remembering.
Thanks to him I discovered a ''New Me'' and am really glad I met him on Skype.